Want to stand out from the crowd? :) READ THIS!

Employers have emerged from newspaper recruiting to…


Credit: Jobvite & Google 

Rising number of employers have begun their search for talent through social media like LinkedIn (Adweek.com) and (Agenda – The World Economic Forum). In the midst of considering the applicants, recruiters will search for more information on the Internet to form a clearer and distinct frame of who you are. Thence, we need to ensure that materials on the net are in favor of us to escalate the chance of attaining a job.

So, let’s bid goodbye to RESUME


Credit: Google 



Credit: Meme Generator 


Let us take a breather from words and watch a short clip

Credit: William Aruda 

So, why we need to develop professional online profile? 

Building a professional online profile is all about creating unique selling proposition (USP) about ourselves to break through the cluster. However, we need to ensure that we’re being HONEST and AUTHENTIC in displaying our real strengths and weakness – Mention what we can do and do not over-exaggerate skills and abilities. In addition, a misstep on the internet might lead to undesirable consequences taking Justine Sacco’s case as an example. The web is becoming increasingly intimate – Simply a search will display every tiny weeny bit of details about us.

According to Meli Shannon, we have to take note of the DO’s and DON’Ts of action on the Internet. Individuals should try to be discreet and keep our online profile cordial. For more information, please visit the website – http://www.graduatemag.co.uk/careers/career-tips/111-social-media-the-importance-of-an-online-profile

Next, which social media should we use to build our online profile? 


Credit: Humanresoucetalk 

One can capitalize on various media platforms to build our online profile. According to research, organizations will mainly search for information on LinkedIn and Blogs as it’s more reliable and convenient.

Roadway to securing a job through the internet 


Credit: Google 

In order for recruiters to form a stronger impression of us, we need to ensure that our online profile are 100% error-free by:

  1. Ensuring the quality of content
  2. Ensuring that it’s constantly updated, accurate and legitimate
  3. Covering work experiences with specific details
  4. Incorporating endorsement from previous supervisor to showcase achievement and strengthen credibility


Credit: Google 

I was bewildered after knowing that blogging can help us to secure a job as well (theemployable.com). This is quite true? – Putting ourselves in the employers’ shoes, having to read through a dozen of resumes, isn’t mundane? Well, we can present our skills, knowledge and personality through blogging which keeps employer engaged and allow us to stand out from the crowd. Additionally, having a blog allow employers to frame a clearer picture of us and how we carry ourselves – “Picture speaks a thousand words”.


Credit: Google 

Everybody is on the internet and anyone can be your future employer, so take extra careful about your footsteps on the web. Consider owning multiple online identities to separate professional and personal profile. Use appropriate media and ensure that’s professionally designed. FINALLY –


Want to know which social media mistakes to avoid? CLICK IT! 


6 thoughts on “Want to stand out from the crowd? :) READ THIS!

  1. Hope you’re doing great Sheryl!

    You mentioned that “for recruiters to form a stronger impression of us, we need to ensure that our online profile are 100% error-free.”

    As humans I feel that being 100% error-free is almost impossible! Hence by showing only the good side of ourselves online, do you feel that it lowers the authenticity of our personal profile? I understand that a small misstep and one can end up like “Justine Sacco”, but isn’t making mistakes part of human nature!

    Although in the case of “Justine Sacco” where his life got destroyed, hence one might argue that it is a MUST to only show the good side and “clean-up” the bad aspects. I am not saying that it’s wrong , I myself is in favor of only showing the good side. However. does this mean that in order to survive in this ever competitive world, one must forsake the ability to have an authentic online profile to achieve a higher chance to get hired?

    How do you think our “multiple identities” or this line drawn between personal and professional profiles affect the “authenticity” of our digital profiles!


  2. Hi Sheryl,

    I love the fact that you describe building a professional online profile as creating a unique selling proposition. It made me think of wanting to be special so that I would be able to differentiate from the rest.

    I do agree with you that a 100% error-free profile is a professional profile. Blogging do help us to show employers what we cannot show in our resumes. Which is something that I think it is fair and amazing! However, let’s all be honest that recruiters still believe in using the traditional way of looking at the resumes before recruiting. Well, I personally think that if you do not have a good resume, recruiter would not even be bothered to search on the Internet to know more about you.

    Thank you!


  3. Hello Sheryl!

    I understand that our digital footprints have maximum visibility to everyone on the net and any blunder may cause personal issues to be leaked out online. Therefore, I agree to your point to maintain multiple online identities to a certain extent.

    The key here is to maintain maximum authenticity as possible across all online profiles. How is genuinity of information going to be achieved if you were to conceal your private side to others?

    I feel that one should constantly update and develop their online profiles disclosing only information that is deemed appropriate to the masses. This means that an individual could blog freely about topics that interest them, or even present their fun side on their online profiles.

    Doing so enables them to exude their genuine personality traits and communication skills, so as to allow employers or the mass public to view them comprehensively.

    So…do you agree with my thoughts? 🙂 Let me know!


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